We've developed portfolios based on the investment strategies of history's most successful stock pickers, including Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Martin Zweig, Ken Fisher and Joel Greenblatt.
Portfolio | Return |
Growth/Value Investor | 11.0% |
Patient Investor | 10.6% |
Contrarian Investor | 9.7% |
Low PE Investor | 9.6% |
Momentum Investor | 8.9% |
Price/Sales Investor | 8.0% |
Value Investor | 7.0% |
Small-Cap Growth Investor | 6.4% |
P/E/Growth Investor | 5.3% |
Book/Market Investor | 4.9% |
Growth Investor | 2.6% |
Earnings Yield Investor | 1.4% |
Portfolio | Return |
Validea Hot List | 9.0% |
Top Five Gurus | 8.7% |